In this Episode of 3, 2, 1, Photoshop, you’ll learn five different ways to change the canvas size of a document based on the task at hand.
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Adding Canvas Size — Select Image > Canvas Size. Enter the desired values for width and height. Note: Converting the Background to a layer before adding canvas will add transparent areas instead of filling with the background color.
Adding Relative Canvas Size — Add a relative amount to a canvas by selecting in Image > Canvas Size and checking the “Relative” option. Note: if you want to add 1 inch to each side of the image, enter 2 inches for the width value and Photoshop will add .5 inches to each side. You can use math in the text entry fields as well (+, -, /, *).
Using the Crop tool to Add Canvas Size — Select the Crop too and drag to reposition the crop handles beyond the edge of the document to add canvas to a document. Note: To resize an image AND change its aspect ratio at the same time, use the Crop tool (not the Image Size command). Select the Crop tool, enter the desired values in the Options bar (W x H x Resolution), drag out the crop and click to apply.

The Trim Command — Select Image Trim and choose to trim a document based on Transparent Pixels, the Top Left Pixel Color, or the Bottom Right Pixel Color. Use the Trim Away options to determine which edge(s) of the document is trimmed.
Reveal All — Select Image > Reveal All to have Photoshop automatically increase the document’s canvas area to reveal any hidden information on a layer that extends beyond the visible canvas.
Resize to Another Image — To make a document the same size as another open document, while in the Image Size and Canvas Size dialog boxes, select the other open document from the bottom of the Window menu and Photoshop will automatically fill in the values.
Changing Height and Width Values — In dialog boxes referencing width and height (New, Image Size, Canvas Size, etc.) if you change units of measurement for one of the dimensions Photoshop will automatically match the units for the other dimensions (i.e. if you select pixels as the units for width, Photoshop automatically changes the height to pixels). If you need to enter in two different units of measurement, holding down the shift key will override this feature to allow different units for each value.
Technology Preview — Photoshop has an improved image size algorithm designed to detect and preserve the most important details and textures in images when resizing images, without introducing over-sharpening of prominent edges or smoothing out lower contrast details. In addition to skin tones and hair textures, the technology improves preservation of harder-edged details like text and logos. To enable the technology, choose Preferences > Technology Preview > Enable Preserve Details 2.0 Upscale. Note: when using Image Size, Photoshop uses Preserve Details 1.0 when the Resample option is set to Automatic, even if the technology preview is enabled.
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