I’m honored to be presenting a webinar on “Creating Personal Projects” this Saturday, January 8th for the Royal Photographic Society in the UK! This online event will take place at 16.00 hours (GMT) Saturday, January 8th, 2022 and last for approximately one hour followed by a live Q&A. If you are outside the UK this service will help you to calculate the timing of the online workshop.
Here is a the detailed description:
Join Julieanne Kost, Adobe Digital Imaging Evangelist, for an illuminating and refreshing conversation about how she creates personal projects and self-assignments in order to cultivate essential creative habits, explore new concepts and techniques, and organize and structure projects for success.
She will be discussing her favorite bodies of work including how she captured, enhanced and published images for her books, Window Seat – the Art of Digital Photography and Creative Thinking, and Passenger Seat: Telling your photographic story with Adobe Lightroom from conception to publication.
Then, she’ll reveal the inspiration behind “Moments Combined”, a series of digitally composited images exploring dreams and the written word; “The Red Thread”, a look at how photography can help to see relationships between events in our lives; and “Color of Place” an exploration of the psychology of color.
She’ll discuss her most recent “Springboard” project in which she explored 50 images by other artists that used techniques and concepts that she was not familiar with in order to expand her toolset. Julieanne will share insights not only to her creative process but also reveal how these new techniques have found their way into her own work.
You will need to book online in order to be able to access this event. Booking closes at 07.00 GMT on Friday 7 January 2022. This event is free for RPS members, but these members still have to ‘purchase’ a (free) ticket to receive a link for joining the event. If you are not an RPS member you will need to register (for free) with the RPS website in order to book.
Click here (https://rps.org/digonline28) to find out all of the details of the event.
Click here to learn more about the Royal Photographic Society.
I hope to see you there!
Really enjoyed the presentation. Thanks for making yourself available. It was inspiring, educational and motivational.
Thank you Colin!
Really enjoyed Saturday’s RPS presentation, Julieanne. Coincidentally, I managed to source a copy of ‘Window Seat’ via the internet before Christmas and it arrived here in the UK on Monday morning. All very motivational and inspiring. Thank you.
Hi Sue, Thank you for attending the presentation and for purchasing Window Seat – I’m so happy to hear that they were inspiring. All the best with your personal projects, -julieanne