The Color Mixer and B&W Panels in Lightroom Classic

Adobe Lightroom Classic

Use the Color Mixer panel to make adjustments to the Hue, Saturation, and Luminance values of specific color ranges in an image.

The Targeted Adjustment Tool — The HSL and Color adjustments contain the same color controls (just displayed differently) with one notable exception – the HSL panel includes the Targeted Adjustment tool which can be especially helpful when adjusting colors that extend beyond a single color range (red/orange or orange/yellow for example). 

  • To select the Targeted Adjustment Tool, click the small circle icon in the upper left of the panel and click-drag up/down in the image area to shift the corresponding slider(s).
  • Use the following shortcuts to access the Targeted Adjustment tool for Hue, Saturation and Luminiance:
    • Command + Option + Shift + H (Mac) | Control + Alt + Shift + H (Win) selects Hue.
    • Command + Option + Shift + S (Mac) | Control + Alt + Shift + S (Win) selects Saturation. 
    • Command + Option + Shift + L (Mac) | Control + Alt + Shift + L (Win) selects Luminance.

Display All Options — To display all options at one time, in the HSL panel, click “All” or, click “Hue”, “Saturation”, or “Luminance” twice. With the Color panel selected, click the rainbow icon. 

Reset Sliders — Double click on “Hue”, “Saturation”, or “Luminance” to reset all sliders within the group. 

Black & White — To convert an image to black and white,  in the Basic panel, set the Treatment to Black & White or tap the “V” key. When the Treatment of an image is set to Black & White, the HSL/Color panel automatically toggles to B & W. Note: you can also select a B&W profile using the Profile browser in the Basic Panel to convert an image’s Treatment to Black & White.

  • Click the Auto button to have Lightroom Classic automatically convert the different color ranges to shades of gray.
  • Use the sliders to customize the conversion of color ranges to Black & White or select the Targeted Adjustment Tool (Command + Option + Shift + G (Mac) | Control + Alt + Shift + G (Win) and, click-drag up/down in the image area to customize the conversion with added control.

In this video (Changing Hue, Saturation, and Luminance), you’ll learn how to shift Hue, Saturation and Luminance values to create different visual interpretations of your photographs.

In this video (Converting Photographs to Black and White), you’ll discover how to convert color photographs to black and white with precision and control in Lightroom Classic.

To add color to an image after converting to Black and White, check out this blog post on Color Grading: Adobe Announces Updates to Lightroom Classic (v10).

Adobe Lightroom Classic

Posted on 08-09-2022


  • By Rick - 9:38 AM on August 9, 2022  

    All I wish is that there would be an easy way to SEE the HSL/HSB Values with an eyedropper sample.