Adobe Photoshop


Modern Tools for Creating Compelling Composites in Photoshop Online at Adobe MAX!

Adobe MAX 2023 — The Creativity Conference is almost here and I hope you are as excited as I am! With hundred of speakers and sessions covering topics including Photography Design, Video, Social Media and more, the days will be filled with opportunities to enhance your skills, supercharge your creativity, and be inspired.

Three Tips to Find, Filter, and Isolate Layers in Photoshop

In this video, Julieanne will walk you through three ways to quickly find, filter, and isolate layers using the Layers panel in Photoshop.

Generative Expand and Fill in Photoshop, Adobe Firefly, and More!

I’m thrilled to announce the addition of Generative Expand (via the Crop tool) and Generative Fill in Photoshop as well as updates to Adobe Firefly and more. Be sure to check out this blog post “All new, AI-powered Creative Cloud release and pricing update” for additional information.

I have to admit, this past week hasn’t gone to plan, with a trip to emergency over the weekend after taking a stumble-tumble-fumble and breaking my right arm and wrist (yep, I’m right handed – doh).

I promise I’ll be back creating educational content as soon as I can use my hand again!

Six Benefits of Working with Smart Objects in Photoshop

In this video Julieanne will walk through six benefits of working with Smart Objects in Photoshop including; transforming and distorting Smart Objects, editing and replacing the contents of Smart Objects, creating duplicated instances, and more!

Five Reasons to use Smart Filters in Photoshop

In this video, Julieanne demonstrates five reasons to use Smart Filters in Photoshop including how to edit, mask, stack, move, duplicate, and change blend mode and opacity of Smart Filters in Photoshop.

Four Ways to Select Layers in Photoshop

In this video Julieanne demonstrates four ways to select layers using the Layers panel, the Move tool’s Auto Select layers feature, the context sensitive menus, and keyboard shortcuts.

Ten Essential Tips for Working with Layer Masks in Photoshop

In this video, you’ll discover ten essential shortcuts for working with Layer Masks including how to add, delete, invert, move, reposition, copy, target, disable, change the density and add a non-destructive feather to soften the edges of a mask.

Ten Tips for Working with the Painting Tools in Photoshop

In this video, Julieanne demonstrates ten essential shortcuts to quickly change Photoshop’s brush size and opacity, select colors, reset brush options, paint straight lines, use precise cursors, toggle between painting and erasing while maintaining the same brush settings, increase the smoothness of a brush stroke, use Pulled String mode, and stroke a path to simulate pressure sensitivity.

Six Ways to Quickly Zoom in Photoshop

In this video, you’ll discover six little known techniques for zooming images in Photoshop including Animated and Scrubby zoom, Birds-Eye View, zooming multiple windows, and zooming to the contents of a layer. 

Discover the Updated Gradient Tool in Photoshop

In this video, you’ll discover tips and tricks to master the new, non-destructive Gradient tool in Photoshop including how to make the most out of the on-screen editing controls, working with Gradient Fill layers, new options on the Properties panel, working with Layer Masks, changing gradient Types, Quick Actions, and more!

Ten Fundamental Tips for Working with Layers in Photoshop

In this video Julieanne demonstrates ten of her favorite tips for working with layers in Photoshop including changing the background to a layer, renaming layers, creating new layers, duplicating layers, color coding layers, layer thumbnail options and more!

Tips for working with Rulers, Guides, Smart Guides, and Grids in Photoshop

In this video, Julieanne shares her favorite tips for working with Rulers, Guides, Smart Guides, and Grids in Photoshop. Learn how to quickly change the point of origin for rulers, add new guides and guide layouts, lock guides create custom grids, and use Smart guides to align and distribute objects in Photoshop.

Tips and Techniques for Cropping in Photoshop

In this video, Julieanne walks through her favorite tips and techniques for using the Crop tool in Photoshop. Discover how to crop to specific sizes, aspect ratios, show overlays, fill with content aware technology, add canvas size, as well as learn essential keyboard shortcuts to help boost your productivity.

Adobe Firefly — The New Family of Creative Generative AI Models Coming to Adobe Products

I’m excited to announce Adobe Firefly — the new family of creative generative AI models coming to Adobe products. With the beta version of the first Firefly model, you can use everyday language to generate extraordinary images and text effects.