

Lightroom Mobile – Julieanne’s Favorite Editing Tips (IGTV)

In this episode of #LrInsiderTips, Julieanne demonstrates 5 of her favorite tips for editing in Lightroom mobile including swapping the aspect ratio of a crop, using the Aspect slider, setting black and white points, dismissing the White Balance eyedropper, and masking the Linear and Radial Gradient tools. 

Adobe Lightroom Mobile

Working with Curves in Photoshop

While I recently posted the video below on Curves for my 3, 2, 1, Photoshop series, I wasn’t able to fit all of the shortcuts within the 2:20 second time limit so I thought I would include them (below the video), in this post (plus, I know that some of you prefer to simply read the shortcuts rather than watch a video).

Adobe Photoshop