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Making Selective Edits Using the Masking Tools in Lightroom Classic

In this video I’ve tried to cover everything about the Masking tools including the Brush, Linear and Radial Gradients tools, AI Subject, Sky, Background, Object, and People masking, and Color, Luminance, and Depth Range masking. It’s an update of a previous video that I created with all of the new features and tips included! It’s a bit longer than usual, so grab a snack, sit back, and enjoy mastering masking in Lightroom Classic!

Quickly Applying Settings to Multiple Images in Lightroom Classic

In this video, you’ll learn how to quickly apply settings to multiple photographs using the Previous, Copy/Paste, Sync, and Auto-Sync commands in the Develop Module in Lightroom Classic

Adobe Camera Raw v12.3 – Modernized Interface, Local Hue Editing, ISO Adaptive Presets, and more!

I’m pleased to announce that Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) v12.3 has a new, modernized interface,  ISO Adaptive Presets, Local Hue editing and more. 

Adobe Camera Raw and DNG