
Lightroom Classic (v13) Tips, Shortcuts, and Quick Reference Guide

I’ve updated my Lightroom Classic (v13) Tips, Shortcuts, and Quick Reference Guide!
Use this link to download 36 pages of my favorite tips, tricks and keyboard shortcuts for Lightroom Classic. I’ve tried to be as concise as possible in the PDF so if you want/need additional information, be sure to use the search icon on my blog to find related content about a specific topic (a more in-depth explanation, illustrations, or even a video).

Lightroom Classic (v12) Tips, Shortcuts, and Quick Reference Guide

be as concise as possible in the PDF so if needed, use the search icon on my blog to look for related content about a specific topic (a more in-depth explanation, illustrations, or even a video).

Updates to Lightroom for Mac, Win, Android, iOS, iPadOS, & ChromeOS (2-2020)

I’m excited to announce several updates and enhancements to Lightroom for Mac and Windows including improvements to Import, Export, PhotoMerge, and Shared Albums as well as improvements made to Learn and Discover content on iOS and Android, direct import of presets and profiles on Android, and support for Split Screen on iPadOS.

Adobe Lightroom

The Advantages to Converting Raw Files to DNG

below (The Advantages of the DNG File Format), you’ll discover the advantages of working with (and archiving to) the DNG raw file format. You’ll also learn more about how and when it makes the most sense to convert your files as you move through your workflow.