

The Libraries Panel in Photoshop

In this video (3, 2, 1, Photoshop! Three Reasons to use Libraries in Photoshop), you’ll discover three ways to improve your workflow using the Libraries panel in Photoshop! 

Adobe Photoshop

Preset Panel Behaviors in Photoshop 2020 v21

Photoshop 2020 (v21) added three new panels for organizing and applying Gradients, Patterns, and Shapes, and updated the Swatches and Styles panels. Presets can be applied by clicking on the preset in the panel, dragging and dropping the preset from the panel onto the desired layer in the Layer’s panel and/or dragging and dropping the preset from the panel onto the layer content in the canvas area.The contents of the layer (bitmap, vector, type etc.) will determine how the preset is applied: as a property of the layer, as an adjustment layer or, as a Layer Style/Effect.

Adobe Photoshop