Julieanne Kost


Moving Photos Between Lightroom Classic and Photoshop

Learn how to seamlessly move photographs between Lightroom and Photoshop with the precision and control that you need. Julieanne will walk you through several “Edit In Photoshop” commands including opening multiple photos as Layers and Smart Objects.

Exporting Photos from Lightroom Classic

In the video below, you’ll learn how to quickly export large volumes of images using different file settings, presets, and batch export options in Lightroom Classic.

Saving Changes to Photos in Lightroom Classic

In the video below, you’ll find out how Lightroom Classic saves changes in the catalog as well as into the individual photos or, as an XMP sidecar file when working with proprietary raw file formats.

Quickly Applying Settings to Multiple Images in Lightroom Classic

In this video, you’ll learn how to quickly apply settings to multiple photographs using the Previous, Copy/Paste, Sync, and Auto-Sync commands in the Develop Module in Lightroom Classic

Working with Snapshots in Lightroom Classic and Photoshop

In the video below, you’ll discover when and why you would want to create and work with Snapshots in Lightroom Classic and Photoshop. 

Working with Virtual Copies in Lightroom Classic

In the video below, you’ll discover how creating Virtual Copies can help you work with several different “looks” and aspect ratios for the same image in Lightroom Classic without duplicating the file on the hard drive.

Reference View in Lightroom Classic

In the video below, you’ll discover how to use Reference View to make cohesive edits between images in the Develop module in Lightroom Classic.

The History Panel, and Before & After View in Lightroom Classic

In the video below, you’ll learn how to undo edits made in the Develop module and compare different History states using the Before & After View in Lightroom Classic.

Adding Vignette and Grain Effects in Lightroom Classic

In this video, you’ll explore several ways to add a vignette effects  and simulate traditional film grain in Lightroom Classic.

Applying Capture Sharpening to Photos in Lightroom Classic

In this video, you’ll learn how to add capture sharpening using the Detail panel in Lightroom Classic. 

Black and White Conversions and Vintage Effects in Lightroom Classic

In the video below, you’ll discover several ways to convert color photographs to black and white with precision and control and create a vintage effect using Color Mixer in Lightroom Classic.

Using Color Mixer to Adjust Hue, Saturation, and Luminance in Lightroom Classic

In the video below, you’ll learn how to make adjustments to the Hue, Saturation, and Luminance values of specific color ranges in an image using the Color Mixer panel in Lightroom Classic.

Enhancing Texture, Clarity and Dehaze in Lightroom Classic

In the video below, you’ll learn the difference between the three Presence sliders: Texture, Clarity, and Dehaze and how they can be used to add edge contrast to an image.

Changing White Balance, Vibrance and Saturation in Lightroom Classic

In this video, you’ll discover how to adjust the White Balance of a photograph as well as learn the difference between the Vibrance and Saturation sliders in Lightroom Classic.