

30 Tips, Tricks, and Shortcuts for Working with Type in Photoshop

Here are 30+ of my favorite tips, tricks, and shortcuts for working with type in Photoshop!

Adobe Photoshop

Photoshop v21.2 – Pattern Rotation, Auto Font Activation, Select Subject, and More!

I’m pleased to announce pattern rotation, automatic font activation, updates to Select Subject, Match Font, and more in Photoshop v21.2!

Adobe Photoshop

Photoshop on iPad – Object Select and Type Settings

Today’s update to Photoshop on the iPad takes a huge leap forward with the addition of the Object Selection tool and enhanced Typographic settings.

Adobe Photoshop

Photoshop 2020 Essential Training: Design – Live on LinkedIn | Lynda.com

I’m excited to announce that my new Photoshop 2020 Essential Training: Design course is now available on LinkedIn Learning and  Lynda.com. Whether you’re an experienced creative pro or just starting on your creative journey, learning how to use Photoshop is the best investment you can make in your work!

Lynda.com | LinkedIn Learning

Updates, New Features, and Hidden Gems in Photoshop 2020 (v21)

I’m excited to share my top ten favorite updates, new features, and hidden gems in Photoshop 2020 (v21).

Adobe Photoshop