
Adaptive Profiles in Lightroom Classic, Lightroom, and Camera Raw

In the video below, Julieanne demonstrates the new Adaptive Color and Adaptive Black & White profiles in Lightroom Classic and demonstrates their advantages for making selective adjustments and when editing for HDR displays.

Creating High Dynamic Range Panoramas in Lightroom Classic

In this video, you’ll discover how easy it is to use Photo Merge in Lightroom Classic to stitch together a high dynamic range (HDR) panorama in Lightroom Classic where each of the individual panels in the panorama are made up of HDR images and the stitched panorama contains all of the quality and  flexibility of a raw (DNG) file.

Creating High Dynamic Range Images (HDR) in Lightroom Classic

In this video, you’ll discover how easy it is to use Photo Merge in Lightroom Classic to combine bracketed exposures into a High Dynamic Range, DNG file that contains all of the quality and flexibility of a raw file.

Lightroom Classic (v13) Tips, Shortcuts, and Quick Reference Guide

I’ve updated my Lightroom Classic (v13) Tips, Shortcuts, and Quick Reference Guide!
Use this link to download 36 pages of my favorite tips, tricks and keyboard shortcuts for Lightroom Classic. I’ve tried to be as concise as possible in the PDF so if you want/need additional information, be sure to use the search icon on my blog to find related content about a specific topic (a more in-depth explanation, illustrations, or even a video).

Editing, Viewing, and Exporting HDR Images for HDR Displays

Lightroom Classic, Adobe Camera Raw, and Lightroom now support a true end-to-end workflow for capturing, importing, viewing, editing, and sharing images with High Dynamic Range information on High Dynamic Range monitors.

Tips for PhotoMerge to HDR, Panorama, and HDR Panorama in Lightroom Classic

Here are several tips to use when creating high dynamic range (HDR) images, Panoramas, and HDR Panoramas using  Lightroom Classic’s Photo Merge commands.

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Announces Updates to Lightroom (February 2019)

This release of Lightroom CC features several new features and product enhancements including the additional of Photo Merge, the Targeted Adjustment Tool, Clipping Indicators, and Enhanced Details!

Adobe Lightroom

Using Camera Raw as a Smart Filter in Photoshop to Create 32-bit High Dynamic Range (HDR) Images

In the video below, we’re going to discover how easy it is to take multiple, bracketed exposures of the same scene and combine them into a single 32-bit HDR image that can then be edited nondestructively using Adobe Camera Raw as a Smart Filter in Photoshop CC.

Adobe Photoshop