Adobe Photoshop


Working with The Shape Tools in Photoshop

Discover my favorite tips for working with the Shape Tools in Photoshop including how to draw, align, combine, edit, transform, and arrange shapes quickly and efficiently.

Adobe Photoshop

3, 2, 1, Ps Customizing the Photoshop Interface

In this quick tip, Julieanne demonstrates five ways to customize the Photoshop interface including rearranging panels, editing the toolbar, adding custom keyboard shortcuts, hiding unwanted menu items and, saving all of these changes as a custom workspace.

Adobe Photoshop

Premium Presets Available in Camera Raw (v13.3)

Adobe Camera Raw 13.3 includes Premium Presets, changes to shortcuts for the Zoom tool, and performance enhancements. 

Adobe Camera Raw and DNG

3, 2, 1, Photoshop! Five Ways to Soften the Edge of a Selection

In this episode of 3, 2, 1, Photoshop! Five Ways to Soften the Edge of a Selection, Julieanne walks through several ways to soften the edge of a selection in Photoshop.

Adobe Photoshop

3, 2, 1, Photoshop! Ten Tips for Working with Actions

In this episode of 3, 2, 1, Photoshop! Ten Tips for Working with Actions, Julieanne shares ten essential tips for working with Actions in Photoshop.

Adobe Photoshop

3, 2, 1, Photoshop! Simulate a Long Exposure with the Path Blur Filter 

In this episode of 3, 2, 1, Photoshop! you’ll discover how to simulate a long exposure using the Path Blur filter in Blur Gallery.

Adobe Photoshop

30 Tips to Customize the Photoshop Interface: Tools, Panels, Menus, Workspaces, Keyboard Shortcuts and More!

Here are 30 of my favorite ways to streamline  Photoshop’s interface including customizing tools, panels, menus, workspaces, view options, screen modes, font size, and more!

Adobe Photoshop

15 Tips for Working with Paths and the Pen Tool in Photoshop

Here are 15 of my favorite shortcuts that make working with Paths and the Pen Tool easier in Photoshop.

Adobe Photoshop

3, 2, 1, PS! How to Save Tool Presets in Photoshop

In this episode of 3, 2, 1, Photoshop, you’ll learn how to save commonly used values for your tools as presets in Photoshop. 

Adobe Photoshop

Photoshop Updates: Native Version for Apple M1 Chip, Super Resolution, & Improvements to Cloud Docs

I’m happy to announce that today Adobe shipped the first version of Photoshop to run natively on Apple computers powered with the M1 chip, a new Super Resolution feature in Camera Raw which uses an advanced machine learning model to intelligently boost the resolution of an image while maintaining clean edges and preserving important details, and improvements to Versions and access to files while offline for Photoshop on the iPad.

Adobe Photoshop

3, 2, 1, Photoshop! Three Handy Techniques when using Masks in Photoshop

Here are three handy techniques for working with layer masks in Photoshop including using the nondestructive feather slider, density slider, and stroke layer effect.

Adobe Photoshop

Preset Syncing in Photoshop

If you’ve ever wanted to sync presets across multiple installs of Photoshop on the desktop, then this update is for you! Photoshop 2021 (v22.2), introduces preset sync for brushes, swatches, gradients, patterns, styles, and shapes including preset grouping and preset order

Adobe Photoshop

Working with Undo, the History Panel, History and Art History Brushes in Photoshop

When most people think of the History panel in Photoshop, they think of multiple undo. The History panel, however, in conjunction with the History Brush, Art History Brush, Snapshots, Eraser, and Fill Command is far more powerful then simply traveling back through time in your document. Let’s see how they can help us to make the most our of the past, present, and future in Photoshop!

Adobe Photoshop

3, 2, 1, Photoshop! Seven Ways to Get the Most out of the History Panel

Here are seven ways to help you get the most out of the History panel in Photoshop.

Adobe Photoshop