Adobe Photoshop


3, 2, 1, Photoshop! Seven Ways to Get the Most out of the History Panel

Here are seven ways to help you get the most out of the History panel in Photoshop.

Adobe Photoshop

Create and Save Your Own Tool Presets in Photoshop

Tool presets enable you save and reuse tool settings instead of having to constantly reselect frequently used options. 

Adobe Photoshop

3, 2, 1, Photoshop! Creating a Cinemagraph in Photoshop

In this episode of 3, 2, 1, PS!  Creating a Cinemagraph in Photoshop, Julieanne demonstrates how easy it is to work with video in Photoshop to create a cinemagraph. 

Adobe Photoshop

Using Actions to Increase Your Productivity in Photoshop

Actions were designed to remove the need to manually apply the same sequence of commands over and over again. They can help increase our productivity and help eliminate repetitive tasks. The following videos and tips will get you up to speed quickly!

Adobe Photoshop

Photoshop 2021 Essential Training: Design – Live on LinkedIn |

I’m excited to announce that my new Photoshop 2021 Essential Training: Basics course is now available on LinkedIn Learning and This course was created specifically to help designers master the most commonly used tools and techniques in Photoshop with the goal of removing technical barriers in order to start creating as soon as possible. | LinkedIn Learning

Photoshop 2021 Essential Training: Basics – Live on LinkedIn |

I’m excited to announce that my new Photoshop 2020 Essential Training: Basics course is now available on LinkedIn Learning and Whether you’re looking to pursue a career in design or photography or just want to enhance the images you take of your family and friends, learning how to use Photoshop is one of the best investments you can make in your work. | LinkedIn Learning

Adobe Announces Updates to Photoshop 2021 (v22) and Adobe Camera Raw (v13)

I’m excited to announce several new features and enhancements to Photoshop 2021 (v22) including the new Pattern Preview, Sky Replacement, and Neural Filters, and well as enhancements to Shapes, Camera Raw, Plugins, the Select and Mask workspace, Cloud documents, and much more!

Adobe Photoshop

Working with Layer Effects and Layer Styles in Photoshop

Here are my favorite tips, tricks, and techniques for working with Layer Effects and Layer Styles in Photoshop. 

Adobe Photoshop

3, 2, 1 Photoshop! How to Add Layer Styles to Multiple Layers in Photoshop

In my 50th episode of 3, 2, 1, Photoshop!, we’ll explore three ways to add Layer Styles to multiple layers in Photoshop.

Adobe Photoshop

30 Tips, Tricks, and Shortcuts for Working with Type in Photoshop

Here are 30+ of my favorite tips, tricks, and shortcuts for working with type in Photoshop!

Adobe Photoshop

3, 2, 1, Photoshop!  Ten Super Useful Photoshop Preferences

In this Episode of 3, 2, 1, Photoshop (Ten Super Useful Photoshop Preferences), Julieanne reveals the power behind several overlooked preferences in Photoshop.

Adobe Photoshop

The Libraries Panel in Photoshop

In this video (3, 2, 1, Photoshop! Three Reasons to use Libraries in Photoshop), you’ll discover three ways to improve your workflow using the Libraries panel in Photoshop! 

Adobe Photoshop

Photoshop v21.2 – Pattern Rotation, Auto Font Activation, Select Subject, and More!

I’m pleased to announce pattern rotation, automatic font activation, updates to Select Subject, Match Font, and more in Photoshop v21.2!

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Camera Raw v12.3 – Modernized Interface, Local Hue Editing, ISO Adaptive Presets, and more!

I’m pleased to announce that Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) v12.3 has a new, modernized interface,  ISO Adaptive Presets, Local Hue editing and more. 

Adobe Camera Raw and DNG