Julieanne Kost
3, 2, 1, Photoshop! Four Creative Color and Tonal Edits using Blend Modes
This video explores different blend modes that can be used for creative color and tonal edits in Photoshop CC.
This video explores different blend modes that can be used for creative color and tonal edits in Photoshop CC.
A histogram represents all of the pixel values in an image, plotted from 0 (black) on the left to 255 (white) on the right; the height of the column shows how many pixels in the image have that value.It can be an essential tool for managing the dynamic range of an image so that you can be sure you aren’t pushing important details in an image’s highlights or shadow areas to pure black or white without detail.
In this video, Julieanne shares the quickest way to create a custom brush in Photoshop
Last month I had the opportunity to visit Berlin. It was cold, the weather shifting between snow flurries and rain – a perfect time for making photographs! I was staying on the east side of the city, so I started by walking towards the remains of the Berlin wall. I don’t typically make photographs of other peoples art, but these murals really made an impact on me.
I’m excited to announce several updates to Lightroom CC on mobile devices starting with the new and enhanced Raw and Creative Profiles. While the concept of Profiles isn’t new to Lightroom, in this release, their power has been greatly enhanced.
I’m excited to announce several updates to Lightroom CC starting with the new and enhanced Raw and Creative Profiles. While the concept of Profiles isn’t new to Lightroom CC, in this release, their power has been greatly enhanced. This video demonstrates how:
I’m excited to announce several updates to Camera Raw starting with the new and enhanced Raw and Creative Profiles. While the concept of Profiles isn’t new to Camera Raw, in this release, their power has been greatly enhanced. This video demonstrates how:
Discover eight ways to select and filter layers in Photoshop.
Find out three tips for navigating documents in Photoshop in this video.
Discover tips , tricks and shortcuts for the Eyedropper, Color Samplers, and Info Panel in Photoshop.
Learn three ways to rotate or straighten images in Photoshop CC.
I had the pleasure of being a guest on “This Conversation with Jed Taufer” where we discussed the role of personal projects for professional photographers. A big thanks to Jed for asking such great questions and to WHCC for making this possible!
When I first started making photographs on my iPhone, I found it incredibly liberating. I didn’t take my images very seriously and that gave me the freedom to play and try new things. In fact, for a number of years, I deliberately used the camera phone as a way to exercise my creative vision, posting three images of a single scene, theme, or idea on Instagram on an (almost) daily basis.
In remembrance of Winston Hendrickson, vice president of digital imaging at Adobe.